Short Communication

Short Communication refers to a short and brief presentation of research observations.

The page limit of the Short Communication article is 12 (maximum).

Contents of the manuscript

  1. Cover page: Title of the manuscript, name and affiliations of authors and corresponding author contact details.

After each author name a number as superscription should be given and that number indicates the affiliation details.

For corresponding author both number and symbol (*) should be included.

Format: First author1*, Second author2, Third author3,…..

1Academic Position, Department, Institution, University, Country

2 Academic Position, Department, Institution, University, Country

3 Academic Position, Department, Institution, University, Country

*Correspondence to:

Full name

Academic Position



City – Postal code


Phone number –

Email ID – 

  • Abstract: One paragraph not exceeding 150 words and it should provide a succinct summary of the article. It should describe about background, methods & materials, results, and conclusion. Citations should not be used in the abstract.
  • Keywords: related to study should be 8-10.
  • Abbreviations: Mention if any.
  • Introduction: A brief information and importance about the research. It should be written in paragraph form.
  • Methods and Materials: The research design, subjects, material used, and statistical methods should be included. Results and discussion shall not be drawn into this section. Any ethical guidelines can be acknowledged.
  • Results: Tables, graphs and figures with respective tittles should be included for easy understanding.
  • Discussion: A brief background information about the results should be included. Both limitations and future directions of the study can be included.
  • Conclusion: The summary of the study which should include final result or findings, applications and hypotheses or purpose of the research.
  • Future Directions: Mention if any.
  • Limitations of the Study: Mention if any.
  • AAcknowledgment: Acknowledgment should be included in points.
  • Conflict of interest: Mention if any.
  • References: Follow Vancouver style for references.
  • Number all references
  • Arrange your list in the order in which the references appear in your text.
  • If there are more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors followed by “et al.”
  • List author names in the order they appear in the text.
  • Enter surname (family or last name) first for each author.
  • Separate author names from each other by a comma and a space.
  • Capitalize surnames and enter spaces within surnames as they appear in the reference document.


  • Standard journal article: Author(s) of article (surname initials). Title of article. Journal abbreviation Year of publication; volume number (issue number):page numbers
  • Books: Surname Initial(s). Book title. Edition – if available: Publisher, place of publication; Year.