International Journal on Physical Medication & Rehabilitation (IJPMR)

Physical Medicine, also known as Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) or physiatry, is a medical specialty focused on restoring functional ability and quality of life to people with physical impairments or disabilities. It involves:

Rehabilitation: Enhancing mobility, strength, and functionality through exercises and therapy.
Pain Management: Treating pain with medications, injections, and non-invasive methods.

About the Journal: The International Journal on Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (IJPMR), published by Skeena Publishers, is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal aimed at healthcare professionals and students. It features:

Latest Articles

Mini Review

Challenges of Post-Pandemic Teleworking to Promote Adequate Conditions and Prevention of WRMSD
Nilson Rogério da Silva*, Maria do Carmo Baracho de Alencar, Florentino Serranheira

Research article

How Non Pharmacological Procedures Can Help to Reduce Drugs Need and Heathcare Costs in OVB -Urgency Micturition
Luisetto M*, Di Benedetto G, Cabianca L, Mashori GR, Gadama GP and Latyshev O

Research article

Feelings, Satisfaction and Trust in Health Services of Pregnant Adolescents Under Prenatal Control
Miriam Tapia Domínguez, Abigail Fernández Sanchez, Ivonne Patricia Torres Paz, Edith Ruth Arizmendi Jaime, Claudia Rodríguez Leana, María Mercedes Cervantes Del Angel, Griselda Dolores Morales and Clara Irene Hernández Márquez*

Mini Review

Nurse and Accidental Extubation
Jose Ernesto dos Santos Jr, Gabriela Eiras Ortoni* and William Rodrigues dos Santos

Review Article

Non-Surgical Interventional Pain Management Techniques for Coccydynia – A Narrative Review
Rebeca Gomes*, Tomás Ribeiro da Silva, Bernardo Gaspar da Silva, Francisca M Costa, Gonçalo Francisco Quinteiro, José Costa, Teresa Mirco, Francisco Sampaio

Research article

Quality of life of older adults in Mexico
Rodríguez Leana Claudia, Fernández Sánchez Abigail, Vega Argote Gloria, Torres Paz Ivonne Patri cia, Rodríguez Bahena Beatriz Lizbeth, Clara Irene Hernández Márquez*

Mini review

Does Spinal Mobility Influence Balance in the Elderly?
Caroline Picard-Boivin,* Florent Boivin

Research Article

Assessment of the Clinical Impact of the Use of A Score for Indication of Home Physical Therapy
Katia Vanessa Cantarini,* Heloisa Amaral Gaspar, Claudio Flauzino de Oliveira

Mini review

Regenerative Physiotherapy: Definition, Concepts and Perspectives
Amaral AC* Novais JM and Fonseca BS

Book review

Lumbar Neural Flossing and Hydration
Michael F Shaughnessy*

Research Article

Perception of Humanized Nursing Care in Institutionalized Elderly’s
Ivonne Patricia Torres Paz, ME Teresa Ojeda Chacon, Miriam Tapia Domínguez, María Mercedes Cervantes Del Ángel and Clara Irene Hernandez Marquez*

Mini Review

Pulmonary Rehabilitation in the Intensive Care Unit
Kadir Arslan* and Ayca Sultan Sahin