Editor Guidelines

  • The main responsibility of the editor is quality check of the manuscripts, which is the key factor to accept or reject the manuscript.
  • Editors should be expertise in subject and with good publication history.
  • As it is primary, accept only the manuscript related to the topic.
  • If the article is not related to our journal, the editor has whole responsibility to reject it directly.
  • Editors should inform whether the manuscript connected to journal or not.
  • Response in time is crucial for the further review process of manuscript, if unable to respond kindly inform through an email.
  • The manuscript changes or review comments to be made should be mentioned briefly for authors.
  • Editors are requested to submit editorial note for an issue.
  • Any suggestions for improving the journal.
  • Editors must check whether the original content is original or not.
  • Transparency to all the articles


  • Up-to-date information about the subject by reviewing the different research studies.
  • The final decision regarding modification, acceptance, or rejection of a manuscript is entirely related to the editor. Editors are given highest priority in decision making.
  • Editors can also advise the journal policy and scope.
  • We will provide you certification for handling the specific journal.
  • Recommend the topics for the journal’s special issue.
  • By adding the position as editor of a journal gives a good impact for the Academic Biography.
  • By adding your biography at journal website it links to other professionals of same research interest which may be an advantage of any research or academic collaborations.
  • The publication fee for the editorial board is negotiable for non-funding inst.